Monday, November 14, 2011

getting better

still thinking of you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

rest in paradise, max

Even as I write this, I am still in shock that such a terrible thing could happen to such an incredible person. Max, you were one of the most fun, genuine, kind, warm, thoughtful, generous people I have ever been lucky enough to know. You could effortlessly make everyone else had a good time, feel included, be happy. You were an inspiration and an example. You touched so many people in so many amazing, positive ways and we all miss you so much. You may be gone, but you will always be loved and never forgotten. 
My love goes out to Tessa and Marcella. You two are beautiful, strong, amazing girls and I'm sure that Max is watching over you now. Stay strong. 

Monday, November 7, 2011


"We will walk starry-eyed and reverently through this foretaste of heaven drinking in beauty that can influence a life."

home :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Happy birthday to the most amazing, hilarious, talented, kind, fun person and brother I know. I honestly don't know what I would do without him and I am so glad that I got to come home for his birthday!
He is truly awesome and I love him so much and I hope this is his best year yet!

Happy halloween!! (wonderful weekend with madi)

Halloween is the best holiday ever and is way sad that it only happens once a year! (at least it lasted 5 days...)

Anyways, this glorious halloween weekend started with Princetoween (where I was smurphette), continued with awesome cramped apartment parties and frat parties and ended with an insane Halloween parade and a bar party (awww yeah).

ps. I love nighttime adventures with Madi and I can't wait for our apartment together! Also we decided that we are going to open a coffee shop/bakery in NYC with really cool brick walls, wallpaper, vintage chairs and cool tables that also sells old CDs and old records and has live music. Its gonna be awesome. 
And we are taking Europe by storm (by rail) this summer. 

Also if you are ever in NYC you should go to Grey Dog Coffee Shop and get the scone (ask for it heated up).